Top 10k strings from Prestel 5 - Aladdin's Cave (19xx)(Prestel Tapezine).z80
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1 t is freeto Micronet subscribers. Some ofthe free stuff is very good too,but the 1 h;"Page ";a/h 1 ;"START THE TAPE": 1 - Q to Quit": 1 *X1[+-e3X' 1 "piracy is a sickness. Of course it goes on and it is certainly wrong, but a `200 schoolboy col-lection of pirated games doesn'trepresent `200 lost sales. Wherewould he have got `200 from if he hadn't been able to pirate?" 1 "and Viewfax have stopped allow- ing small ads even for software 'originals' due to fears that people are selling the originalsafter making a copy to keep. I reckon they've been got at. Thisobsession with sales lost to " 1 "PRESTEL5" 1 "8";"ALADDIN'S CAVE"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 1 " You may wonder why you would buy here rather than downtown. Well, it's cheaper and almost instant, and there is a good se-lection. Dktronics, Bug-Byte, Anirog, CDS, even the Hobbit arestocked, and all at a pound or more off shop prices." 1 " Of course, you use your own cassette to save the program af-ter downloading, and you don't get an insert, so it will look like a pirated copy. This would make it hard to sell if you got tired of it, but both Micronet": 1 " Of course, you don't have to buy software, some of it is freeto Micronet subscribers. Some ofthe free stuff is very good too,but the best costs, as always. Downloading costs something in phone time, too." 1 " Anyhow, as a guest on the 'netI didn't download any pricey progs, only some free ones, and I was pleasantly surprised. Morestuff is being added here daily,especially for the Spectrum. It might appeal more to people who don't get sent review software.": 1 THEN PRESS ANY KEY